"Hey, did you just get here?" I shouted over my engine.
When I rolled up on the two ladies in the parking lot, I thought they had just arrived at the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit.
"No, we are headed to the Harley dealership!" said the pretty blonde.
"Oh, I'm going there too! Want to ride together?"
I was pleased to ride the 10 mile jaunt on this crisp Denver morning with a couple of new friends. To me, that was the whole point of coming to the meeting of women riders; to make new riding buddies, share stories, and grow in our abilities as riders.
"Sure! I'm Lisa Fedders Brouwer," smiled the pretty blonde.
I knew who she was right away, recognizing her from the event poster as one of the speakers.
"I'm Laura Klock," said the gorgeous brunette with the huge smile.
"Yes you are!"
I realized I was gushing. Feeling like a silly school girl, I tried to play it cool as we headed off to ride, but inside I was tickled pink to ride with such accomplished women.
Laura recently appeared in the film "Why We Ride" and is the holder of AMA and SCTA National Land Speed Records from the Bonneville Salt Flats. She is also Vice President of Klock Werks Kustom Motorcycles. Lisa is a dynamic and well regarded speaker in the world of female riders, teaching a workshop entitled "Love The Journey". And together the three of us headed off to Rocky Mountain Harley Davidson to participate in an independent film about women who ride.
It is rare for me to become star-struck by anyone these days. Since I've changed my life in so many ways over the past few years, I have a renewed sense of self-love that helps me accept myself and others with compassion, equality and humility. I know that I am no more, nor less, special than anyone else. Whether is was the sense of confidence and strong presence they both exude, their wholesome beauty, or their striking presence on these two spectacular motorcycles, (Laura rides an Indian and Lisa a Harley), something about the moment took my breath away.
Once we arrived at the dealership, we met up with a number of other participants of the Summit and the film. Sharing our passion for motorcycles and life, I felt an immediate kinship with every woman there. After filming for a few hours and grabbing lunch with Lisa and Laura, I was flattered that they asked me to lead the ride back to the hotel. By that time I had long since calmed down enough to enjoy the company of these amazing women and soak up the joy of the here-and-now. Then they ask me to lead, and I was flattered and giddy again.
Since I arrived in Denver on Tuesday I find myself completely absorbed in the Summit. I've jumped in both feet first, volunteering my time, ideas and enthusiasm to help this event be the best it can be. I've been blessed to receive countless well wishes and hugs from women who watched our treacherous
journey over the Continental Divide through snow and wind, all of whom are so grateful to see their sister in the wind had safely arrived.
"Are you the one that rode in the SNOW?? Oh, I'm so glad you're here safely!!" I've heard time and again.
It makes me giggle inside to see the faces of these kind women who stopped their day to watch our trek. Their concern is heartwarming, but I find myself humbled by their kindness.
"It is often in the detours that we find the blessings," Laura plainly stated.
I don't think she realized the veracity of her statement, nor the weight of reality it carried.
Yes, blessings in the detours indeed.
Minor Ural Repair
3 days ago
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