As she spoke, I knew in my heart I had to get on my motorcycle and hit the open road. Living in one place was killing my spirit and after living unburdened, motorcycling across 26 states, staying in hotels, motels and vacation rentals for a year, committing to a one year lease on an apartment in San Diego had overwhelmed me.
At the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit, Lisa Fedders Brouwer spoke on "Love The Journey" and setting priorities. I didn't even need to do the exercise to know which direction my life needed to head. But that night I sat down and worked the steps she had laid out, being as honest with myself as humanly possible. The conclusion was no surprise: I want to live traveling full time on my motorcycle, working on the road, and seeing America.
Last year my hubs Side Road Steve and I traveled a great deal. We crossed the country twice, coast to coast to coast, over a 6 month period. Before we left we moved out of our apartment, put our few possessions in storage, arranged for our bookkeeper to get our mail, send us packages, and help us manage our affairs as we traveled.
We were vagabonds, bohemians, traveling aimlessly wherever the wind blew us. On our self title journey Road Pickle Motorcycle Bohemia, we had an amazing time and even though it was exhausting, I was sorry to see it end.
We decided earlier this year to settle in San Diego for a year and perhaps travel again next year. We signed a lease and moved in to an apartment. I've been miserable and bitchy ever since. My poor hubs has been as patient as he can be, dealing with his own struggles, but everyone has their limits. We had made this decision mostly to earn money and build a client base, but it's been a struggle. Things just didn't seem to come together as I'd hoped, so I found myself pushing harder, working longer hours with less results daily.
"I'm drowning, I swear I am. . . "
Pleading with God in a hotel room, pouring over my list of priorities, I could see my life clearly again through the tears in my eyes.
"Steve, I have to go on the road. I hope you'll come with me, but I must go. I don't know if you're willing to leave with me, but I know in my heart this is the right path."
"How are we going to make enough money? We need clients. . . "
"I don't know. But I have faith it will come. I can trust my heart. The same voice that told me to be with you is telling me we belong on the road. Come with me, please."
"OK. I trust what you're saying. I want to be wherever you are. We'll make it work."
Within 2 weeks we had gained 3 new, solid, long-term clients and given notice on our apartment. We move out June 13, 2014 and plan to travel around, staying one month at a time in different cities and states. No schedule set, just finding our way around, with a few destinations in mind along the way. Just yesterday we decided to sell some of our furniture and a great deal of my clothes and shoes.
"They may as well make someone else happy, rather than sit in storage," I surmised.
"Who knows when we'll return."
My daughter is expecting my grandson and he is due to arrive in 7 weeks. I plan to be by her side, along with her husband and mine, to welcome him into the world. My daughter has encouraged me to explore, follow my heart, and ride those miles.
She and her husband David came for a visit for Mother's Day last weekend. I watched her talking with David and I began to weep.
"Olivia, will you please make sure he knows? Will you make sure the baby knows I love him, even though I won't be around? Do you understand this is what I have to do? Will you help him understand too?"
"Mom, of course!"
She laid her hand on my shoulder.
"Mom, I understand. Really, I do. I'm so proud of you! Don't worry. Baby Jackson will know and he'll be proud of you too. I love you!"
That was all I needed to feel free. Thus, the journey begins.
D’Hanis, TX - SKP
2 weeks ago
ReplyDeleteExcited for you Sash and Steve! Love the life of your dreams!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!!! It is the right decision. I am still struggling with the decision that I think I want to make. I really want to explore being a biker gypsy, living on the road, sleeping in a tent, and having the weather direct my travels. Many are living this life and I find it alluring. Time will tell.
ReplyDeleteDamn fine Sash. Damn fine. I've been anchored on this farm since the end of march. No idea when I can break loose. The one thing I know for sure and for certain is... I'm a gypsy. My heart and soul is gypsy. I've fought that and tried to be what others wanted me to be my whole life. And much of my whole life was a guy trapped inside begging to be let out in the sunshine. Damn Fine. You go down the road and when you need something, you figure out how to get it... if you don't need it... Ha! Problem solved!
ReplyDeleteYou guys will do great! The confidence you place in yourselfs and in God will guide you. Great things ahead. Go forth and live the dream and the life that's meant for you. Safe travels sister and if you make it to Florida you BETTER look me up <3 xx
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see what the next chapter holds in store for you and Steve!
ReplyDeleteRide on sister.
Good luck on the next adventure.
ReplyDeleteI am sure you have some wild gypsy blood calling to your inner wanderlust.
Like a siren's song you must heed its call.