After motorcycling across America on our Road Pickle from March to October of 2013, we headed back to San Diego for some rest and to regroup. Shortly after we started this trek last spring, I looked over my laptop at my hubs and declared, "I don't want to stop," meaning let's just keep traveling until we feel like stopping. So that's what we decided to do.
I'm a huge NFL fan (Steelers, Baby!) and have been most of my life. A game of football is like life itself being played out on exhibit in a few short hours.
"The momentum has switched! They're tired now," I'll shout at least once a game.
When we arrived in San Diego we were only going to stay for 6 weeks. Now it has been nearly 12 weeks and we've just committed to another month. Beyond that, we're toying with the idea of staying longer and getting a place to lease for a few months. The momentum has shifted.
If you could spend a winter in San Diego, you would understand why. For the last 2 weeks we've had one sunny day after the other, with temps averaging about 75 F in the day and 55 F at night. In the entire 12 weeks we've been here there has been only 2 days of measurable rain, with both days coming short of 1" combined.
How can any rider leave this Nirvana?
The truth is though, we were more tired than we thought. White knuckling it in October to get here, across the last few states, sick and exhausted, we still managed to enjoy the final month of riding, but at a slower pace and in smaller chunks. Our final day, the big push of 376 miles, nearly killed me, but I'm proud of my effort. I itch to ride everyday and most days I get some riding in, but I no longer need to ride so far. Well, at least for now.
The point of Road Pickle for Highway and I is to ride where the wind blows us. We didn't have routes or plans as we crossed the country. We tried to keep things as loose as possible because we want to listen to our hearts and follow the path laid out TODAY, not some plan we made a week ago. To live in the moment is to truly be alive, which is what I long for. We are still Road Pickling, in essence, as long as we listen to the voice within that says, "Hey, I like it here. Let's stay awhile."
Business needs attended to, I have my house I want to sell, my daughter is expecting in July, and the sun is shining, so why would I leave? I love San Diego and the more I see, the more I love.
Riding across the U.S. was amazing and chances are we'll do it again. But "No Plans" is our motto, so we'll play it by ear. We might decide on a trip to Wales, or Italy, or Bolivia. These are ideas we bat around from time to time, bellied up to the bar, cuddling in a pub booth, kissing on the city sidewalks. We stroll in the evenings and talk about all of the possibilities, dreaming of our next adventure, remembering that everyday is meant to be enjoyed.
This is only the beginning. . .
More Class C Mods
1 day ago
Hummm, maybe it's time for me to visit you guys :-)
ReplyDeleteThere's always a welcome in Wales. Bring rain gear.
ReplyDeleteLife is worth living, whether in the here and now, or dreaming of the road ahead.
ReplyDeleteWith temperatures like you are experiencing I can see how you'd be reluctant to leave. I will think of that as we wake to 36 degrees and more fog.
Happy New Year to you and Highway. May your 2014 be even better.
Wow good to read .. I thought I was the only one that got sick of riding... I love it and itch to do it every day also.. but I put a lot of miles down... and I just got tired ... Riding alone is not my idea of cool either, but finding someone that loves to ride like me is a challenge... Best luck.. big hugs ad hopes for the futures....