When I ride alone I notice the way others respond to me differently than when I ride with others. I'm not sure if I'm seeing it just more keenly aware of my surroundings, or if I really do get more attention when I'm riding alone. But the fact remains that I'm really surprised by it.
I don't feel I'm looking my best on my motorcycle. The position I sit in only accentuates some of my less attractive features. I'm usually wearing my leather jacket, which I absolutely love, but doesn't do much for showing off my better assets, namely my 38E girls, Chloe and Mimi. Also, wearing my new Nolan helmet hides my face with my 'other' better assets, my full lips. Highway would argue that my best feature is my eyes, but we all have our favorites. So I have to wonder men are so damned attracted to when they see me riding.
A woman on a motorcycle isn't exactly unique. I see women ride on a regular basis. On our Road Pickle trip I've seen quite a few female riders. And certainly I'm not the youngest, nor the shapeliest female to ever straddle a bike. Don't get me wrong. I'm not berating myself. I'm a tornado of sexy, but the part of me which is most sexy, my attitude, is really hidden when riding. Or is it?
Do men see a woman riding a motorcycle sexy simply because she is harnessing the power of a two-wheeled rocket between her thighs?
And here I thought that my love affair with my Katie Scarlet was my own little secret.
Yes, there are times when I become aroused sexually when riding. Perhaps it's the thrill of taking a few miles of twisties, or screaming at 90 mph for a short burst of exhilaration, or letting my mind wander as I feel the vibration in the seat that gets to me. But my Kawasaki Ninja is in many ways like an intimate sexual partner. She roars with power, she vibrates with excitement and she responds to my touch. Isn't that something like sex?
While the similarities are there, it's nothing like a real relationship with a human being.
But I can't help but wonder if that pleasure I derive from riding is something men pick up on as they see me blissfully cruising along. A woman who is confident is always sexy, but a woman who is powerful and confident is hard to resist. Do they see me loving that motorcycle, handling her with confidence and feel a sense of attraction to that? Perhaps. I guess it's possible.
What could be more attractive than a woman making love to a beautiful machine on the open road?
Bill once told me I look sexy on my Ninja. I don't know why either. Maybe it is seeing the power between our legs & loving it so. Maybe they'll think we don't need them anymore. lol!! Regardless...it is flattering & I've had strange men on bikes pull up next to me & try to ride with me. If I were single it'd be a different story....maybe. since I'm not I nod, maybe exchange a few words & go on my way. Nice to know I still have SOMETHING alluring about me when they can't see physical features. Especially nearing 40 & after having 3 kids. LOL
DeleteI have to agree, it is flattering! And I am over 40 (Holy shit, nearly 50!) and have a grown daughter. Yes, it's all very flattering!
I am in my mid fifties and I have experienced the same thing with men. Usually cagers. Sometimes I wonder, is it because they think biker chicks are all whores? I have overheard some saying that. Heard it one night, imagine their surprise when a grey streak headed AVON lady asked them why they were calling me a whore.
ReplyDeleteGeeze girls, Quit complaining... all I get anymore is a pitying head shake and when I can even hear it the reallllllly hurtful verbage is either "poor Ol' Guy looks lost" or worse; "EW!" ;)
DeleteIf you're getting a pitying head shake or negative comments, you're not riding in the right places!! ;)
And I'm not complaining. I'm shocked. I went form Overall-wearing-carpool-driving-suburban-soccer-mom to pink-haired-trash-talking-motorcycle-rider. It's still a culture shock for me.
These same punks who were shitty to me a couple of years ago can't stop telling me how hot I am. Really? I will beat you senseless if you come close to me Son! They don't see me now anymore than they did then. They just like the wrapper better.
1. Why do women think a man on a bike is sexy? Because a biker is fun and maybe a little dangerous in the adventurous/exciting way, right? It's the same thing.
ReplyDelete2. Seriouly, ladies, all y'all just look fantastic while riding.
And then it gets better because y'all get off your bike and are all flushed and sweaty and road-grimed and adrenaline-charged and mischievous and...
Well, that's a prescription for a cold shower right there.
Thanks Lucky!
DeleteI'm truly flattered. :)
I always thought a man on a bike was sexy because my Dad rode a chopper when I was a kid, then a Harley as I got older. Men weren't men unless they rode. Funny. I'm just a Daddy's girl.
I think men are attracted to all women on bikes, but there is something special and even sexier about one riding a sport bike.
ReplyDeleteWe love power, we aren't afraid to get dirty and sweaty and we know how to 'ride.'
I think we are also seen as not as uptight and even easier to get along with than others of our sex that don't ride.
"There is something special and even sexier about one riding a sport bike."
DeleteWell, I sure think so. Woman + Sport Bike = Rawr. :)
DeleteWell, I'm certainly not uptight! LOL! And I love being 'dirty and sweating after riding'. . .
This is going downhill fast!
I think it is just the romantic notion that they think this chic is living on the edge of danger, marching to her own drummer and to hell with what society thinks. I always get a kick when I pull off my helmet and people realize its a middle aged woman who was riding. The only time I get weird attitude is when I am riding up the elevator from the parking garage at work and standing there in all my gear. I just kind of lean back and chill or swagger out of the elevator after that with - "Yeah don't you wish you were as cool" attitude.
DeleteI love the idea of you swaggaring out of the elevator! And I don't think it's just a romantic notion. I find that in many ways riding really does buck society's expectations of middle aged women.
Shit. Did you have to say middle aged? Ugh!
Lucky's comment absolutely nailed it.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why but y'all are hotter than hell when riding your own. I'm pretty much spoken for but I still feel that primal urge in my loins when I pass a gal on her own scoot.
DeleteThank you! That's sweet! Just remind me when we ride to give you plenty of space when I pass you. . .
There is a problem with being a cool looking biker... nothing more embarrassing than a bad ass biker... Walking into a spider web! :)
ReplyDeleteNow THAT I would love to see!!